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Complete set with 18 cards, CHF 36 (30 for members) or 10 cards for CHF 20 (16 for members).


Single card (minimum order five cards) at CHF 2 per piece. Delivery by invoice, plus postage and packing.

To order at info(at)emilzbinden(dot)ch


Subjet selection:















Kunstkarten Zbinden



On occasion of the exhibtion at Swiss Alpine Museum.

Size A0.

CHF 25.


Delivery by invoice, plus postage and packing.

Order at info(at)emilzbinden(dot)ch





















Emil Zbinden (1908-1991) spent the summer months of 1950 to 1953 on Oberaar in the Bernese Oberland. Together with artist friends, he documented the hydroelectric dam being built there. This book shows parts of the pictorial material created on Oberaar and traces the economic, social and architectural aspects of the monumental post-war construction site.

Texts by Beat Hächler, Anne-Catherine Schröter, Jürg Spichiger, Andrea Tognina, Etienne Wismer.

With works by Emil Zbinden, Eugen Jordi and photographs by Heinz Bysäth, Anita Niesz, Hans Tschirren and Jakob Tuggener.

​Approx. 80 pages, 50 illustrations, CHF 25.

ISBN 978-3-909990-29-0




​Works by Emil Zbinden, photos by Urs Beyeler and texts by Jürg Spichiger, Etienne Wismer, Bruno Ritter, Paola Beltrame and Andrea Tognina.

Edited by Förderverein Emil Zbinden. Verlag X-Time, Edition eigenArt 2015.

56 pages, 34 illustrations, CHF 15.

ISBN 978-3-909990-28-3.



​"Emil Zbinden 1908 – 1991. Für und wider die Zeit"

(Emil Zbinden 1908 – 1991. For and against time)

​Exhibition catalog, Museum of Fine Arts Bern.

Edited by Anna M. Schafroth. With texts by Charles Linsmayer, Guido Magnaguagno, Susanne Petri, Anna M. Schafroth.

256 pages, approx. 190 illustrations, 24 x 28 cm, hard cover, CHF 58.

ISBN 978-3-7165-1550-1

This publication is out of print and only available through the Association.



Archive and copyright of works:


Karl and Katharina Zbinden-Bärtschi, Garbenweg 3, CH-3027 Bern


Last updated: May 19th 2019

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